Oneness University—A Spiritual Haven

Oneness is not a religion or faith—Oneness is an inner state.

Sri Bhagavan.

I think the timing for this post is very opportune because this month of May is Oneness Universities Moola Mantra month. This beautiful healing mantra that can be chanted as a prayer to manifest intents, has helped me and millions of others across the world. The mantra evokes the all loving, all compassionate universal consciousness of which we are all a part.


Om Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma, Purushothama Paramatma, Sri Bhagavathi Sametha, Sri Bhagavathe Namaha.


The first time I went to the Oneness University now called (O&O academy) in Andhra Pradesh India, was in December 2011—Since then I’ve made many more trips to this powerhouse for spiritual growth and development. (For the purpose of this post I will use the old name of Oneness University).


Oneness University is definitely one of my most treasured spiritual homes—I have many places in the world that feed my passion for spiritual growth, quenching my thirst and curiosity for inner knowing. These rare energy centres around the world give me the feeling of home—Oneness in India, John of God in Brazil, Dhamma Dipa in the UK and Damanhur in Italy are just a few of them.


For me Oneness is simply an amazing place, a spiritual haven effortlessly flowing with sacred energy, warmth and grace.


Sri Amma and Bhagavan the founders like so many others on the planet have a huge mission—but theirs is the audacious task of bringing humanity out of separation—Out of the separation we feel with ourselves, with our families and loved ones and most notably out of the separation we feel with the world at large.


And here I’d like to quote John Lennon, and ask you if can you  “imagine a world with no countries, nothing to kill or die for and no religions too?”


Is the reality Lennon sang about a reality that’s really possible for the humanity we know and experience today?


Well according to Amma and Bhagavan Yes, it very much is possible!


We can think about Lennon’s reality as what Amma and Bhagavan describe as the “Golden Age” An age where man is not only at one with himself but is also one with god and all living beings.  


This is the great shift in human consciousness predicted by the ancient Mayans and reported to have begun on the 21st of December 2012.


However this age can only be fully realised when humanity moves out of separation and into the INNER state called Oneness.


But as you can well imagine, this inner state is not something one just walks into—well that statement is true for the vast majority of us. Because for many of us realising, this inner state means working very hard on ourselves for many many years.


But for a small number of people this permanent state of Oneness has already happened and what’s more it happened for them overnight. Sadguru and Eckhart Tolle are just two such people I could name.


For them this state was not something they had to strive for, rather it was a benediction that was bestowed upon them by the divine. And according to AmmaBhagavan this gift is something that can be granted to all of us when we build our connection to our inner divine.


So if you haven’t already guessed it, Oneness University is a spiritual school—but a school like no other.


Because by combining simple yet deeply profound teachings with processes that can be both physically and mentally challenging, the teachers take participants into profound states of self-awareness, inner knowing and higher levels of consciousness, that can be immensely transformational.


For me, after my very first process at Oneness, I knew I had found the path

that would shake my core and which would transform my life from the inside out.


I know I’m not the same person who took that very first trainers course in November 2011. And over the years and through the many courses I’ve attended I can truly say I’ve changed very much for the better, becoming more tolerant, patient, calm, less judgemental, optimistic, loving, happy and full of the joys of living.


And at the heart of the Oneness phenomena is Deeksha


I know I’ve briefly mentioned “deeksha” in previous posts, but I haven’t really gone into detail about what it is have I? So in this post I will elaborate a little more about just what deeksha is.


In Sanskrit the word deeksha means benediction or gift.


So simply said, deeksha is an energy transfer that aims to connect the receiver to his or her higher self or to the divine consciousness. All beings are a part of the one consciousness or The All That Is, but unfortunately we humans have forgotten this fact.


Deeksha is an intelligent energy that knows exactly what each individual needs at that moment in time.


And receiving the energy awakens the kundalini or life force energy within us and it’s the awakening of this energy that has the power to take a person out of the limiting sphere of the mind and into the limitless potential of the heart.


According to Sri AmmaBhagavan when deeksha is given, the energy initiates a neurobiological shift in the receivers brain, which undergoes a rewiring so that over time and with repeated deekshas the recipient becomes more and more connected to himself, to others, to nature and to the divine consciousness, bringing about the feelings such as I described earlier.


Deeksha can be transferred remotely or by placing hands over the crown of the receivers’ head, while the receiver with eyes open or closed simply receives the benediction.


When I received my first deeksha back in 2010, I had no real idea what this blessing was, but that didn’t matter because its incredible power was nevertheless extremely palpable.


On that first occasion, receiving the energy 6 times almost blew my mind and although powerful, this sacred energy also soothed and calmed at the same time.


But what was surprising to me was, how I experienced the energy changed from giver to giver. Depending on the giver sometimes the energy felt cold or warm and at times tingly, soothing or incredibly loving.


And quite a strange thing happened as I received the energy. For a brief moment I entered a sphere of limitlessness, where there were no blocks or resistance—a realm of complete allowance and knowing.


In this sacred bubble all the answers to the many questions I had at that time were answered. I would silently ask my questions, then instantly the answers would pop into my head.


It was amazing so of course I took complete advantage of this limitless field of consciousness to ask as many questions as I could.


So when the window suddenly closed a few moments later I didn’t feel disappointed, rather I felt immensely grateful for the wonderful gift I had received.  


I think it’s fair to say that after that first experience of deeksha I was hooked.

This blessing became a necessary part of my weekly routine, helping me through the challenges I was facing in my textile business.


But even this stunning experience could not prepare me for the deeksha’s I would receive at Oneness University. In India, whether on the many campuses or in the energy powerhouse of the sacred temple, the power of deeksha I received was magnified a million times.


These potent deeksha’s initiated deeply physical and mentally cleansing processes that over time and with repeated deeksha’s helped me heal much of the suffering and inner pain I was experiencing at that time, catapulting me into a spiritual awakening.  I’ll talk more about this in future posts.


Needless to say Oneness has in the past and even today continues to positively impact my life. It was Oneness that first opened up my awareness, helping me to really see myself, giving me the tools to stop running from myself and then empowered me to finally face myself.


I owe the immense inner transformation I’ve undergone over the years and the profound connection I now have to my divine to the wonderful teachings, the grace and compassion of AmmaBhagavan, that provokes me to want to be better—to be the best me I can possibly be.


And just as like the millions of seekers who have been transformed through the grace of AmmaBhagavan, Oneness has over the years also undergone its own transformations—however even through these changes, the founding principles, the teachings and the unwavering mission to bring humanity out of the suffering of separation have remained unchanged.

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