Call Of the Inner Voice
Your guide to inner freedom
Are you ready to discover your most Authentic self?
Welcome to Call of the Inner Voice
Living an authentic life is not a dream reserved for just a few, it is reachable for everyone,
but it requires courage to take the first step.
Let me guide your journey to truth, growth, healing, inner freedom, and a more profound
connection with yourself and others.
I offer services to help you connect more intimately with your inner self and with those around you. Each service is tailored to your specific needs.

Personal Coaching
Here’s where I can help you.
I believe there is no issue that cannot be surmounted…

Auric Reading
During an auric reading, I tune into your aura and give you the necessary advice, so you gain the insights you need to help you solve your problems.

Spirit Connection
I connect naturally with the spirit world and consider it an honour and a privilege to be of service to the spirit and to those seeking help in this way.

Tarot Reading
A mirror reflects without judgement, showing all facets, be they good, bad or ugly.

Relationship Advice
A breakdown in any of these relationships can really impact how you experience life on a daily basis.
The Voice and I
Hi, my name is Jacqueline, I was born and raised in London, but have traveled and lived in many countries. I think of myself as having no nationality, that I simply belong to the world. I am a global citizen, who now calls Sweden home. I live here with my partner and spiritual muse.
When the Voice speaks, I write...

How To Take Responsibility For Where You Are In Life
How To Take Responsibility For Where You Are In Life The moment you take responsibility for everything in your life,

All Successful Relationships Need Work: And Here’s Why
All Successful Relationships Need Work: And Here’s Why In relationships, the problem is not with the other, but with oneself.

What Is A Spiritual Person?
What Is A Spiritual Person? To be spiritual is to be happy—Spirituality is the science of happiness. – Sri Bhagavan

Why Do We Find It So Hard To Say Sorry?
Why Do We Say And Do Hurtful Things To One Another? Our prime purpose in life is to help others.

Why Do We Say And Do Hurtful Things To One Another?
Why Do We Say And Do Hurtful Things To One Another? Our prime purpose in life is to help others.

Call of The Inner Voice
Call of The Inner Voice When we hear our inner voice and follow it, we can walk our own path
Listen to the voice
Welcome to The Life Is Relationship Podcast! You can listen to my most recent podcast here, just click on the media player to listen.
Listen To My Podcast: Life Is Relationship
Let The Voice Guide You
Meditate with me with this free 10-Minute guided meditation session!
The people we've Helped